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Show us the websites you hate (or love) :)

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When we’re building a website we usually have 2 main goals:

  1. We want to love it
  2. We want you to love it


So here’s the catch. We know what we love, and we won’t stop until we get it right.


But we need to know exactly what you like – and what you don’t.


That’s why we encourage you to look at other website examples and tell us what you like, and what you hate. The more specific you are about details you love – the better we’ll be able to blend them into your website.


That being said. Our friends at My Codeless Website have an overview with tons of website examples:


Construction website examples

Consulting website examples

Recruitment website examples

Startup website examples

Architecture website examples

Hotel website examples

Restaurant website examples

Photography website examples


And many more. 


So have a look and find the websites you love. And I’m sure we’ll be able to create something even better 😉


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About the Author

Picture of Christian Mauerer

Christian Mauerer

CLO (Chief Love Officer) at Lovepixel Agency

💸 300+ Influencer Sites Built
🚀 Launch, Grow & Scale your online business
💎 Conscious Brands made with Love

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